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Questions around cannabis in German bars and restaurants

Questions around cannabis in German bars and restaurants

The recent legalisation of cannabis in Germany has sparked a wave of debates and discussions, especially within the gastronomy sector. While some celebrate the freedom, others express concerns about its implications. Understanding the diverse perspectives and challenges is now crucial in implementing this new law.

Public opinion: mixed feelings

A recent survey conducted by Yougov on behalf of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur sheds light on the sentiments of the German populace towards cannabis in gastronomy. Surprisingly:

48 percent of respondents advocate for a complete ban on cannabis in gastronomy.

An additional 14 percent support its consumption only in specific locales. These figures underscore the divided nature of public opinion on this matter.

Interestingly, there exists a notable generation gap in attitudes towards cannabis in gastronomy. Older Germans tend to lean towards a completely cannabis-free environment, with 59 percent of those over 55 years expressing this sentiment. Conversely, only 33 percent of young adults aged 24 and below oppose cannabis in gastronomy. Gender-wise, men and women across all age groups hold similar views on this issue.

Regulatory and the odour

Since April 1st, adults in Germany have been granted the legal right to cultivate, possess, and consume cannabis in certain quantities. However, the decision to permit or prohibit cannabis consumption within gastronomic premises lies with the proprietors, as emphasised by the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga). This underscores the importance of exercising their rights judiciously to maintain a conducive environment for all patrons.

One of the primary concerns surrounding cannabis consumption in gastronomy is the aroma it emits. Half of the surveyed individuals find the smell of cannabis smoke unpleasant, with 30 percent describing it as “very unpleasant” and 18 percent as “somewhat unpleasant.” Conversely, 14 percent of respondents find the aroma appealing, highlighting the subjective nature of odour perception.

The government’s rationale behind cannabis legalisation primarily revolves around combating the black market and mitigating health risks. However, public opinion regarding the achievement of these objectives is divided, with 31 percent expressing scepticism and only a quarter expressing confidence in the government’s efforts.

Distance regulations

Despite the legalisation, certain restrictions on cannabis consumption persist, including prohibitions in playgrounds, within sight of daycare centres and schools, and during daytime in pedestrian zones. The efficacy of enforcing these distance regulations remains a point of contention among the populace, with 45 percent expressing optimism and an equal percentage expressing scepticism.

The survey also sheds light on the prevalence of personal experiences with cannabis among Germans. While 59 percent claim to have no personal experience with the substance, a significant minority has experimented with it to varying degrees, indicating a nuanced relationship with cannabis among the populace.

The legalisation of cannabis in Germany presents both opportunities and challenges for the gastronomy sector. Navigating the diverse opinions, regulatory frameworks, and societal perceptions will be crucial in fostering a harmonious coexistence between cannabis enthusiasts and those who prefer a cannabis-free environment in gastronomic establishments. As the landscape continues to evolve, dialogue and adaptation will be key in addressing the multifaceted challenges that lie ahead.


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