Recreational use
No, recreational cannabis use is not legal in Bulgaria. Cannabis is considered a List 1, “high-risk drug” in Bulgaria. Cannabis falls under the Narcotic Substances and Precursors Control Act. Possession of small amounts are considered a minor offense. Thus, it is a subject to a fine. Consuming cannabis is an administrative offense, also a subject to a fine. Possession of large amounts is a criminal offense that can incur one to six years in jail. Trafficking cannabis means two to eight years in jail. Additionally, there is not a set quantity that determines a “large amount”.
CBD in Bulgaria
CBD is legal in Bulgaria. The country followed the European with sale of CBD products back in 2019. While the EU considers CBD a ‘novel food’ that needs a special license, the Bulgarian Government classified CBD as a “traditional food,” which does not need a special license. CBD oil and other hemp-based products are available for purchase throughout the country.
Industrial hemp
Farmers can grow industrial hemp with a permit from the government.
Medical cannabis
Currently there is no medical cannabis program in Bulgaria.