Your latest cannabis business info from Europe

Your latest cannabis business info from Europe


Is cannabis legal in Bulgaria?

Recreational use

No, recreational cannabis use is not legal in Bulgaria. Cannabis is considered a List 1, “high-risk drug” in Bulgaria. Cannabis falls under the Narcotic Substances and Precursors Control Act. Possession of small amounts are considered a minor offense. Thus, it is a subject to a fine. Consuming cannabis is an administrative offense, also a subject to a fine. Possession of large amounts is a criminal offense that can incur one to six years in jail. Trafficking cannabis means two to eight years in jail. Additionally, there is not a set quantity that determines a “large amount”.

CBD in Bulgaria

CBD is legal in Bulgaria. The country followed the European with sale of CBD products back in 2019. While the EU considers CBD a ‘novel food’ that needs a special license, the Bulgarian Government classified CBD as a “traditional food,” which does not need a special license. CBD oil and other hemp-based products are available for purchase throughout the country.

Industrial hemp

Farmers can grow industrial hemp with a permit from the government.

Medical cannabis

Currently there is no medical cannabis program in Bulgaria.
