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France: Élisabeth Borne’s stance on cannabis legalisation

France Élisabeth Borne stance on cannabis legalisation

The French government’s leader, Élisabeth Borne, recently expressed her opinions on the issue of cannabis legalisation, which continues to be a topic of intense discussion in France. Borne addressed her concerns about the legalisation of cannabis when presenting the government’s plan for addressing youth issues, recognizing that it is still a controversial subject. She spoke on a range of issues related to adolescents in an interview with the online magazine Brut.

Borne’s perspective on cannabis legalisation

Despite the continuous discussions around the legalisation of cannabis, Borne stated that she does not believe it is the proper course to take at this time. She pointed out the major concern of drug trafficking in the country, despite the efforts of law enforcement. Borne highlighted concerns about the potential health effects of drug usage, adding that people of all ages can develop an addiction to substances that might be harmful to their wellbeing.

Borne admitted that the issue might be further discussed, despite her continued scepticism. This view is consistent with the government’s opposition to the legalisation of recreational cannabis. She clearly expressed that when serving as minister of transport in 2019. Borne also discussed her opposition to a complete tobacco prohibition during her interview with Brut.

Contrarily, Sandrine Rousseau, an EELV deputy from Paris, said that legalising cannabis would allow for better regulation of its use in France. She admitted that on the “Face-à-Face” show that aired on BFMTV and RMC on May 26, 2023. The deputy advocated the idea for a health policy that accepts legal cannabis use in France. According to Rousseau, limiting cannabis usage that is allowed in France can be more effective than completely forbidding it. The government can create steps to encourage safer usage and lower related hazards. They may achieve this by making it legal and putting in place a sound regulatory mechanism. This tactic also provides a chance to redirect attention on initiatives for treatment, prevention, and education.

Cannabis legalisation discussion in France

The current discussion in France about this complex topic is reflected in Elisabeth Borne’s opinions on the legalisation of cannabis. Borne highlighted other urgent issues such student housing, transportation, and inexpensive meals while outlining the government’s youth-focused strategy. She expressed scepticism regarding the legalisation of cannabis. Borne also recognised that there may be conversations about the connection between legalising marijuana and lowering crime. However, her position on recreational marijuana hasn’t changed. 

However we can see that the discussion on cannabis legalisation continues in France and the subject is coming back on many occasions.


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