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Your latest cannabis business info from Europe


CzecHemp advocates for regulation of cannabinoids

CzecHemp advocates for regulation of cannabinoid products

In light of recent concerns regarding the sale of products containing semi-synthetic cannabinoids such as HHC and THCP, CzecHemp aims to address potential risks to consumer safety, particularly among some groups. CzecHemp, the Czech Hemp Cluster, is committed to supporting the innovation policy of the European Union, aligning with the Green Deal, national policies on international competitiveness, and fostering the development of the hemp bioeconomy in the Czech Republic.

Ethical and social responsibility

CzecHemp emphasises its commitment to ethical business practices through a code of conduct that members pledge to uphold upon joining the cluster. The sale of products containing HHC and THCP, as “collectibles,” raises ethical concerns. These substances are insufficiently researched and primarily promoted for recreational use. CzecHemp advocates prioritising consumer health and minimising known risks associated with these products.

Health risks

HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) and THCP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol) lack an established safety profile as novel substances on the market. Even in small doses, these compounds can significantly impact motor and cognitive abilities, inducing altered states of consciousness for several hours. CzecHemp alerts the public to the higher concentrations of these substances in products on the Czech market. The cluster highlights the potential health risks and lack of clarity regarding their origin and quality.

CzecHemp places a strong emphasis on compliance with all applicable legal regulations governing the production and sale of industrial products. The sale of products containing HHC and THCP contradicts these regulations, carrying potential legal consequences. It suggests that sellers avoid the attraction of fast money, maintain their moral character, and comply with the rules and laws governing the business world.

Collectibles as legal evasion

Labelling products containing HHC or THCP as collectibles to circumvent food or smoking product regulations looks like an attempt to evade the law. This practice could lead to legal repercussions. We can include here fines and possible lawsuits, posing a significant threat to the reputation of both cluster members and the entire hemp sector.

CzecHemp advises consumers that products labelled as collectibles may pose significant risks. They are not manufactured in compliance with relevant hygiene and other requirements. Transparency in labelling and adherence to safety standards are crucial for consumer well-being.

CzecHemp: call for transparency

Moreover, CzecHemp encourages consumers to report any dangerous products in the market. To ensure prompt regulatory action, report should go to the State Agricultural and Food Inspection (SZPI). The cluster actively engages with government authorities to share expertise and contribute to the development of clear and fair regulations for the hemp sector.

Rather than attempting to circumvent laws, CzecHemp actively participates in legislative processes, collaborating with relevant authorities. The cluster surely seeks to establish transparent and responsible regulations. They should prioritise public health and minimise the grey areas allowing unethical business practices. CzecHemp calls on legislators and regulatory bodies to create an effective legislative framework for new psychoactive substances, ensuring the control and responsible sale of HHC, THCP, and similar semi-synthetic and synthetic substances. Thus, the Czech Hemp Cluster remains dedicated to developing the hemp sector in the Czech Republic and Europe. The cluster is promoting ethical practices and responsible innovation.


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